warnmcr: from Turn to Franko B...

Word of Warning

Kicking off with a reminder that Turn 2012 is well underway at Contact - tonight Fri 4 and tomorrow Sat 5 May - there are still 12 short pieces to catch plus a Mixed Movement finale.  Schedules are at turnmcr.

Next week there's loads on all over the place:  Gecko's Missing is at Contact, Weds 9 - Sat 12 May; and Lucy Foster's The Pirate Project is at the Royal Exchange Studio, Thurs 10 - Sat 12 May.

The Carriageworks, Leeds also plays host to The Pirate Project on Tues 8 May and to the intriguing Foundry Group's Big Daddy vs. Giant Haystacks on Thurs 10 May.

Live at LICA, meanwhile, continues with The Quiet Volume, Curate the Campus, plus Franko B's Because of Love on Friday 11 May (nb 7pm) before launching into the Getting It Out There symposium (nb registration closes on Weds 9 May).

For those nostalgic for a bit of VaudeVille/greenroom action, Tam Hinton's The Package is also getting a re-boot at the Wordsmith Festival in Oldham on Fri 11 May.

Final word is a quick reminder that Word of Warning's own Sampler Series returns on Friday 18 May with a full line-up featuring Olwen Davies, Ellie Harrison and a touch of Canapé Art from Levantes Dance Theatre in the café bar!

warnmcr:pirouette, swivel...Turn

Word of Warning

As ever, thanks to Tom Marshman, GETINTHEBACKOFTHEVAN and Chris Fitzsimmons for another enjoyable Sampler Series evening last week - hope the bingo winners enjoyed their prizes!

Final reminder that West Yorkshire Playhouse's Transform 12 festival is reaching its final weekend, I'd be there if we weren't deep in rehearsals for Works Ahead.

Curiously, things seem quite quiet next week, which gives me the chance to do an unashamed plug for our own Turn 2012 at Contact, Thurs 3 - Sat 5 May. Seventeen pieces and three very different evenings of dance - and you can see all three days for £20/12 concessions! The line-up is online now and we'll be releasing full schedules early next week.

Elsewhere, you can catch Caustic Widows' Paperwork, at the Unity (3-5 May), or for the poetically inclined, a second chance to see Dominic Berry's Wizard in Nelson, Lancs on Thurs 3 May.  If you happen to be around Lancaster, Live at LICA's The Quiet Volume (Curate the Campus 2012) kicks off on 1 May and runs to 12 May.

I'm off now to gear up for a couple of hectic weeks - first loads of dance and then the industry-focused Getting It Out There symposium at Live at LICA the following week! If the cliché's true, I must be very wicked indeed!



Standing reminders:
Word of Warning Spring/Summer Performance Collection listing
www.facebook.com/warnmcr     @warnmcr

Support Hazard 2012 at www.sponsume.com/project/hazard-2012
For more musings on the extraordinary and the random check out doodlebug's weekly friday morning nugget at 8.30am on All FM radio... doodlebug mixcloud archive.
For all things independent film check Kino events

warnmcr: Legs 11... bingo!

Word of Warning

Final call for this month's Sampler Series, tonight, Fri 20 April at Zion Arts Centre with Tom Marshman's Legs 11 and GETINTHEBACKOFTHEVAN's External, interval bingo courtesy of Mr Chris Fitzsimmons - book now for your chance at an unforgettabl(ly bad) prize..!

A reminder that across the border, West Yorkshire Playhouse's Transform 12 festival is ongoing - this weekend and next - particularly intriguing is Fri 27th with Chris Thorpe and Nicolai Khalezin's 12 Proposals for a Better Europe following Belarus Free Theatre.

Next week Hofesh Shechter's Political Mother is at The Lowry on Fri 27th and Sat 28th and The Lowry Studio has Curious Directive's Your Last Breath on Sat 28th.

Over in Liverpool the Unity has Mandy Romero's Stevenage on Weds 25th and Lucy Foster's The Pirate Project on Fri 27th and Sat 28th.

Coming soon, terrifyingly just a fortnight away, is Word of Warning's next outing at Contact:Turn 2012 - a three day micro-festival of dance Thurs 3 - Sat 4 May. 

I'm off to collect our visiting artists for the night as they hurtle(?!) into Piccadilly - hoping to see some of you at Zion this evening.



Standing reminders:
Word of Warning Spring/Summer Performance Collection listing
www.facebook.com/warnmcr     @warnmcr

Support Hazard 2012 at www.sponsume.com/project/hazard-2012

warnmcr: spring picking up pace... don't miss next Friday's Sampler Series...

Word of Warning
...next Sampler Series at Zion just round the corner!

The Easter lull seems well and truly over and performance seasons are starting to pick up apace!
A reminder for anyone who, like me, has signed up for
Proto-type Theater's Fortnight - it all kicks off on Monday 16th.

Obviously we're getting set for the next Sampler Series evening... rumours of bonkers bingo are currently hanging in the ether... please do join us on Fri 20 April at Zion Arts Centre for Tom Marshman's Legs 11 and GETINTHEBACKOFTHEVAN's External.  We start the evening with Tom's (true) story of how he entered the Pretty Polly Best Legs of 2011 competition and reached the final - followed by GETINTHEBACKOFTHEVAN - the two women who entranced Emergency Accommodation with their almost-kissing-wordgame.

The Lowry Studio is busy with Chris Thorpe + Hannah Jane Walker's The Oh F**k Moment on Fri 20 + Sat 21 (multiple limited capacity slots) and then Hot Salt Theatre's Honey Blood also on Sat 21 April.

Thurs 19th April is a busy day - with the very atmospheric Victoria Baths playing host to  Voidance's The Ghost of Someone Not Yet Drowned; and dance is also well served outside Manchester with Solos (featuring Kate Jackson, Jo Ashbridge, Genevieve Say, Jen Hale + Gavin Coward) at Pyramid, Warrington.  For a more physical theatre take, there's also Rhum and Clay's Shutterland at The Unity, Liverpool.

Across the border, West Yorkshire Playhouse kicks off the first weekend of its Transform 12 festival with Little Bulb, Uninvited Guests amongst many others - well worth checking out (I'd be there if I wasn't a bit tied up with other things here!)

And, as a final word... at Word of Warning we are just gearing up for this summer's Hazard incursion into Manchester City Centre on Saturday 21 July.  In the past we've wrapped Cathedral Gardens in 6 km of hazard tape, given the image of banking a wash and brush up and created dry-wipe graffitti on Harvey Nichols! The artist call for proposals is now open at hazardmcr.org and we have also launched a crowdfunding appeal at Sponsume
. So if you're feeling a bit generous, or indeed, mischievous, please help us to make this event happen - all contributions, however large or small, very gratefully received - and the top 'reward' gives some 'lucky' (?!) person the chance to help me choose some of the programme!



Standing reminders:
Word of Warning Spring/Summer Performance Collection listing
www.facebook.com/warnmcr     @warnmcr

Support Hazard 2012 at www.sponsume.com/project/hazard-2012

warnmcr: first shoots of spring performance...

Word of Warning
...just to keep you going!

With Summer 2012 seemingly over (it was the last week of March for anyone who missed it!) and my jaunt to parts Nordic behind me - the first shoots of performance are poking throught the chocolate-covered blanket of Easter, so we thought we'd wake you up with a brief interim Word of Warning.

A reminder that registrations for
Proto-type Theater's Fortnight close on Thurs 12 April so don't forget to sign-up for this two week interactive theatrical intervention into the daily lives of Manchester participants running 16-29 April.

If you're looking for day-trip on Sat 14 April, Drunken Chorus's Chris Williams has been working with a group of young people to make a piece about Morecambe - Bright Lights and Golden Sands

And of course, advance notice that the next Word of Warning, Sampler Series event takes place on Fri 20 April at Zion Arts Centre with Tom Marshman's Legs 11 and GETINTHEBACKOFTHEVAN's External. We're still toying with what this month's half-time extra entertainment might be... so answers on a postcard!

Things do pick up in earnest the following week (especially book a slot for the limited capacity Oh F**k Moment at The Lowry Studio) so WoW will be back to its regular schedule from Friday 13th (how auspicious)



Standing reminders:
Word of Warning Spring/Summer Performance Collection listing
www.facebook.com/warnmcr     @warnmcr

For more musings on the extraordinary and the random check out doodlebug's weekly friday morning nugget at 8.30am on All FM radio... doodlebug mixcloud archive. For all things independent film check Kino events

warnmcr: Spring has sprung and Easter is looming...

Word of Warning
...hope you enjoyed the gin and chips..!

As ever huge thanks to Levantes Dance Theatre,  The Mustdashios and everyone who came along and 'sampled' both shows and the free gin jelly at Zion last week - hope your hangovers weren't too bad!
Anyone who missed either company can get a second bite, as the Royal Exchange Special FX is following in our footsteps with The Mustdashios on Friday 29 March, and Levantes Dance Theatre's most recent (greenroom/hÅb/Method Lab commissioned) Two Peas in A Pod is at UCLAN's Media Factory on Weds 28 March. In a double whammy, on Tues 27th, Media Factory also has Grace Surman + Cathy Butterworth's Two Four One One

Moving into slightly more sensible chronology and geography... Dance is serviced on Tues 27th by Wayne McGregor/Random Dance's Entity, at The Lowry -  unmissable for some of you... whilst those of a more poetic/theatrical bent should check out Dominic Berry's Wizard at Contact (28-31 March). 

In Leeds, Thurs 29th, sees the next development of Michael Pinchbeck's The Beginning in a double bill with Dan Canham's 30 Cecil Street
at Leeds Met at Northern Ballet Theatre; and on Fri 30th, Foursight Theatre's Bette & Joan and The Carriageworks. 

In Sheffield Sat 30 March marks the beginning of a new evening of live art and performance: Last Saturday Live at Bank Street Arts.

Looking ahead, Leeds Seven Arts has Trace Theatre's Doublebill on Easter Saturday (7 April) and  even further afield, in Birmingham, the Fierce Festival runs from 29 March - 8 April.

Given the impending Easter break, I'm going to give the mailer  a week or two off, as there's not a huge amount more to talk about... meanwhile I'm hitting the M62 again for the
Juncture Festival in Leeds tonight and then heading off to sample the peformative delights of Copenhagen at the Informal European Theatre Meeting next week.



warnmcr: no exploding balloons this month, but expect an explosion of the taste variety!

Word of Warning
...the Sampler Series has landed and with it a full-on taste explosion. 
Gin...check; Satsumas...check; Chips...not yet, you wouldn't want them to get cold!

So tonight Friday 16 March at Zion Arts Centre,  sees the first Sampler Series and, with it, my showday burst of adrenalin and nerves!   Tonight's double-bill of award-winning Levantes Dance Theatre's Gin & Satsumas and The Mustdashios' Chips. promises a fusion of beautiful images, downright silly dance moves, a spot of UV and the odd mirrorball.  Added to that, we've dispensed with the spontaneously exploding balloons and gone a bit Heston Blumenthal with the interval refreshments.  Given that they involve jelly, it's all beginning to sound a bit kids' party... but don't be fooled, they come with a drink-drive warning..!

Next week the dance theme carries on at Zion
with Boundaries: art of spectra [Peter Svenzon]on Thurs 22 and, across the border is the Juncture Festival of experimental practice, curated by Charlotte Vincent at Yorkshire Dance in Leeds (Thurs 22 - Sun 25).

In fact, next week seems to be 'live on the M62' week - as West Yorkshire is a real focus for activity with: Chris Goode's The Adventures of Wound Man and Shirley at the LBT,Huddersfield on Tues 20 and at the Carriageworks on Thurs 22Paper Birds' Thirsty also at the Carriageworks, (Tues 20 - Weds 21) and Wendy Houstoun's 50 Acts at Leeds Met at Northern Ballet on Thurs 22.

Right, back to the gin & chips... hope to see you tonight!




warnmcr: Gin, Satsumas and Chips... a fully balanced diet!

Word of Warning
...gearing up for the Sampler Series!

Thanks to Brian Lobel, Stacy Makishi, all at Contact and everyone who came along to a genuinely special pair of shows... I'm not prone to gross hyperbole - but if you missed them you did miss out!  After a manic week of shows in the far-flung reaches of the region and featuring the varied delights of peach-eating, newspaper-reading, chair-leg sawing and turn+cough exams, the next week is a bit more static - though
I will be heading to The Lowry Studio on Tues 13 March for Mandy Romero's Stevenage

That said, for us at Word of Warning, the week is completely taken over by the start of Sampler Series, on Friday 16 March at Zion Arts Centre and a doublebill of Levantes Dance Theatre's Gin & Satsumas and The Mustdashios' Chips.  I'll spare you the excesses of press-friendly copy - but my favourite recent adjectives have included juicily delicious and lewd, lary and lascivious..!

Further afield, on Wednesday 14th, UCLAN's Media Factory in Preston continues its new season with Pigeon Theatre's The Twice Removed.  On Thursday 15 March, Leeds Mets Studio & Gallery Theatre has Gary McNair's Crunch and in Liverpool, the Bluecoat sees the monthly If Only residency. 

I've also been asked to give a special mention to
V-Day Liverpool 2012, - a benefit production, starting on Sun 11 March, of The V*gina Monologues, raising funds for Migrant Artists Mutual Aid and featuring a host of local live artists like Lena Simic, Jennifer Verson, Caz Black, Abi Horsfield, Niamh Malone, Anne Green, Sarah Han. (*sorry- spam filters!)

Hoping to see lots of people at Zion on Friday 16th  -
be warned, we may be experimenting with gin flavoured foodstuffs...


warnmcr: is it really time for more Word of Warning events? aagghh?!

Word of Warning
...here we go again...

It may only be two weeks since the launch of Word of Warning, but terrifyingly we're off again... Next week sees our first co-promotion with Contact: Brian Lobel's Ball and Other Funny Stories About Cancer (Weds 7 and Thurs 8 March)  and Stacy Makishi's The Making Of Bull: The True Story (Thurs 8 March).  See both on Thursday for the bargain price of £12/8 via 0161 274 0600.  We then hurtle straight into our next event at Zion Arts Centre on Fri 16 March - with the start of Sampler Series, a regular double or even treble-bill of work you won't see anywhere else in the region.  Kicking off with an irreverent and playful take on dance, we see the return of Levantes Dance Theatre's Gin & Satsumas and The Mustdashios' Chips

Before all that, Sat 3 March sees Bryony Kimmings's 7 Day Drunk at Contact and Larkin' About at Manchester Histories Festival at the Town Hall on Sat 3 March.  Weds 8th also sees the first Platform Zero at Zion Arts Centre - an exploration of watching and learning to give critical feedback to emerging dance work.

Liverpool's Unity has Uninvited Guests' Make Better Please tonight Fri 2 and tomorrow,  Sat 3 March.

Live at LICA, Lancaster continues with 
Fevered Sleep's A Forest on Sat 3 and Mandy Romero's Stevenage  on Tues 6 March.  Carriageworks, Leeds has Skeleton Project's LOLZ on Tues 6 March

Axis Arts Centre, Crewe is busy with Leen Dewilde's String Section running 6-23 March, Francesca Millican-Slater, Me, Myself and Irene on Tues 6 and a double bill of Probe's Small Talk and Fenton/Van de Cruys's Feedback on Thurs 8 March. 

And as a final heads-up - Proto-type Theater's Fortnight, a two week interactive experience, is coming to Manchester between 16-29 April - sign-up to participate at the link above!

Meanwhile, I'm hitting the road for Liverpool (tonight), Contact (tomorrow), Crewe (Monday) and Leeds (Tuesday), before installing myself in Contact for Brian and Stacy's shows and workshops on (Weds/Thurs)... so hoping to see some of you along the way - or back at Zion on 16 March!



warnmcr: That was The Beginning... now for more!

Word of Warning
...that was The Beginning

Firstly a huge thank you to all those who came along to our launch and for making it such a truly lovely night!  For those who didn't make it, in addition to What I Heard About The World, we snuck in a work in progress preview of Michael Pinchbeck's The Beginning and a huge balloon-drop.. albeit with some rather spontaneously volatile balloons!

Moving on - a quick reminder about (in)xclusion, tomorrow 25 Feb - 24 hours of live art occupation in Patrick Studios, Leeds - wishing them loads of luck, only sorry I'll be on a motorway!

In Manchester, next week sees the beginning of The Flying Solo Festival at Contact - look out for J. Fergus Evans's My Heart is Hitch-Hiking Down Peachtree Street from Mon 27 to Sat 3, Daniel Bye's The Price of Everything on Tues 28th, and Bryony Kimmings's 7 Day Drunk on Sat 3 March.

Also don't miss Kraak's Exhibition preview on Weds 29th with performative interventions by Taneesha Ahmed and Larkin' About at Manchester Histories Festival at the Town Hall on Sat 3rd March.

Liverpool's Unity is busy again with Rogue Theatre's The Dancer and the Detail and Paper Birds' Thirsty on Tues 28th and Uninvited Guests' Make Better Please on Fri 2nd + Sat 3rd March

Elsewhere, Live at LICA has Fevered Sleep's A Forest, particularly suitable for younger viewers;  Russell Maliphant's Rodin Project is at the LBT, Huddersfield on Mon 27th, Claire Hind's Ghost Track at Axis Arts Centre, Crewe on Tues 28th.



Standing reminders:
Word of Warning Spring/Summer Performance Collection listing
www.facebook.com/warnmcr     @warnmcr
For more musings on the extraordinary and the random check out doodlebug's weekly friday morning nugget at 8.30am on All FM radio... doodlebug mixcloud archive. For all things independent film check Kino events